The Action Hour

Dr. Shelly Persad - Chiropractor, Sexual Trauma Coach & Plant Medicine Facilitator

February 02, 2022 Jesse Simpson Season 3 Episode 2

Dr Shelly is a Sexual Trauma Facilitator, who leads people through her Shakti Synchronization and cannabis ceremonies to heal traumas, reset their nervous system, & reclaim Divinity. She facilitates womb and prostate healing and the Heart Warriors Sisterhood.

She owned  4 chiropractic practices in 3 different countries, but gave it all up to facilitate plant medicine ceremonies.She drops so much value and wisdom in this episode. We get into all things sexuality, creativity and how to activate your life force energy, plus so much more!Join us and activate your LIFE Force Energy!

Connect with Dr Shelly:
On Instagram @drshelleypersad
At the Heart Warriors Sisterhood.


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