The Action Hour

Interview with Chandler Jerrico - Conscious Transformation Guide, World Traveler and Entrepreneur

Season 2 Episode 10

"Everything is happening for us."

Chandler is a college drop out turned entrepreneur who built two 7 figure businesses before 30 then sold it all to travel the world.

He came back after traveling for 12 months with a burning desire to help other impact driven thought leaders tap into higher realms of potential through immersive experiences.

Connect with Chandler on his website and on Instagram

Chandler is the embodiment of a visionary and conscious entrepreneur that emphasizes the importance of passion, presence, faith, fun, community, and spiritual connection so we can all thrive in a more connected and awakened world. 

This episode is so good! 

Tune in now! 


Welcome to the action hour. My name is Jesse Simpson and I believe there's never been a better time in the history of the world to be alive. I'm on a mission to bring you the insights, ideas and inspiration. You need to uncover your greatness and take action on your dreams. If you want to start a business, write a book, take a big trip, or level up to a higher state of living in the world, mentally, physically, spiritually, or financially. The stories found in the show will provide the action steps and energy you need to succeed. No matter what you are going through where you've been. You can at any time, break that cycle and transform your life. This show is going to show you how to do it. If you've got the itch to act, now is the time allow the inspiring stories within this show to serve as your guide. This is the action hour buckle up and enjoy the ride. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome welcome back to the action hour. Thanks so much for tuning in. I've got an incredible guest lined up for you today. Chandler Jerrico he's a conscious transformation guide, a world traveler, entrepreneur. Chandler thanks so much for coming in, how's everything going for you? Good brother. Good brother. How are you? Doing great man really excited to get into this. Man learn about your journey college dropout turn entrepreneur you build these seven figure businesses but then you sold it all you went travel the world now you're coming back and and do all this stuff. All this work these immersive experiences around community. Quite the journey, man, I'm excited to share it. Yeah, it's that's exactly what it is. It's been a journey. Definitely been a journey. You know, my whole entire life I've been, I've been an entrepreneur, and I've been very interested in trying to create my own path. You know, when I was seven years old, I, or sorry like eight years old, my sister was about five or six, I was knocking door to door trying to sell car washes, and I would have her wash the cars and I would just keep knocking the doors and racking up clients. That's kind of like my first entrepreneurial, like journey are those that sounds like a slave driver to your sister, not really an entrepreneurial. I paid her well, I paid her and gumballs and RK tokens. Awesome. But But um, but yeah, that's just kind of, like carried on throughout high school. Trying to find like I wasn't, you know, say like, poor growing up or like, like poverty, I guess. But we didn't have like the extra money to spend on a lot of a lot of things. There's a lot of other obligations my parents had. So as always, like, I wanted something, I had to learn how to work for it. And so I kind of chased this illusion of the dollar, thinking that my whole entire life I needed to make money in order to be successful. And after doing that process of building businesses, or finding different ways to make money over the course of up until I would say like 25, I had this like, major breaking moment where I had the car, I had the house, I had the boat, I had girlfriend, you know, the stuff that I kind of was always told what I was supposed to have, in order to have a successful life, I reached that point of success. And I executed my vision of life perfectly. And I would still go to bed and lay my head down at night, kind of feeling a little empty and feeling like something was missing. And I didn't really know what it was. So I thought maybe I needed to go make more money in order to fill that void. Maybe it was like because I wasn't making enough is what I wanted. And so I'd go out and I work harder and I'd still have that same cyclical pattern of you know, going to bed kind of alone and lonely and but ended up doing was ended up having like a little vision quest of my own. And basically the messages I got through is that like the lifestyle that I'm currently living is not conducive to by spiritual expansion. I didn't even know what that meant. That's the message that kind of came through to me. And so it was so powerful though. Within, I would say two weeks, I sold the business venture that I was on, which was a seven figure business. And I ended up selling all my things. And moving about three hours north from where I was currently living. So I was living in Fort Myers and we'd get to Tampa, and I kind of told myself, I only want to work on things that I'm passionate about. So I did exactly that built another business and kind of fell back into that same pattern of like not understanding why I felt so empty. And it kind of really, really put a lot of resistance in I set up a lot of resistance inside of me to the point where I knew that I needed a radical change in my life and I wasn't sure what that radical change was. But I had to shift and break everything that I knew of complacency and comfortability inside of my life or anything routine. And so that involves me exiting my business as the CEO, resigning as CEO. Again selling all my things literally like this time, the first time when I sold everything, I sold everything except for my clothes and maybe my truck this time I sold my truck, or sold my vehicle, a different vehicle at this time. So my vehicle, I even sold all my clothes, I only had three pairs of clothes and some camera gear. And I packed my backpack with my fiance and we went to go travel around the world. And it was really like we wanted to live as very, we wanted to live in the moment in a very surrendered state of life and just kind of going with the wind, and seeing what the universe had in store for us. And that brought us to some amazing experiences from learning about permaculture, regenerative farming, sustainable communities, it taught us a lot about ourselves and like how to feed our soul. And a lot of that kind of like, fulfilled me, and I wanted other people to be able to feel fulfilled. And the most the thing, the one thing that like really made me feel fulfilled, was was having this sense of faith or the sense of peace, essentially knowing that I'm always going to be taken care of and not holding on to this expectation of what the future needs to look like. But always having this pure state of pleasantness. But having the true the full faith and the full trust that everything's going to work out the way that it has, regardless of the attachment of polarity that I want to put on something, whether it's something be good or bad, that's my own relation to how I want something to go. So I have to release the good and the bad of things. And just live in the present moments and know that whatever is happening is happening for me and not to me. Now that was kind of a mouthful there. But a little bit of a journey of how I ended up where I am today. We're now hosting you know, immersive experiences, with different with large groups of people 20-30 people taking them out of the country and kind of immersing them but we don't really necessarily focus on the cultural immersion, we're more focusing on shifting and changing their, their routines or creating a radical change in their life. And so we do that through like breath work. And we bring them through different types of meditation practices, yoga just changed their entire environment completely. So that way they can lead themselves to answers that they need to find to create what they believe is their truest form of identity, or the truest self so they can show up in their communities, a stronger leaders a stronger husbands and wives a stronger just community members in general as a whole Amazing sounds so good, man. I got I got goosebumps when you were saying how you sold all your things, because it took me back to where I was at about. Well, this time three years ago, I was in the process of selling all my shit getting ready to go to Costa Rica for the first time. And I want to know what what was going on in your life that really led to that. And then what was the where the breakthrough come where you just realize you're just going to surrender and you're going to trust that everything's happening as it should, how'd you make that leap? You know, when we look back at life, it's really easy to identify these elements. But when you're in those moments, it's so hard to identify that one moment. And so when I look back, I am able to identify a multitude of moments compounded over time. And all these different messages and all these different understandings were given to me spread out over the course of I'd say like three or four years. And so the first big big moment was when I was 25. I had all those different materialistic things, and I chased this dream, or chase this illusion of what I thought I really, really wanted. But really what that was, was I was just kind of like what everyone was telling me what I needed to be or how I needed to show up. There was this like sense of like, I would say, resistance that was happening inside of me that, you know, sometimes I think people will identify with it as depression, or lack of motivation. A lot of times I'm able to identify that as my intuition caught saying that something in your life needs to change. And so I did that vision quest and a vision quest was was massively, massively huge. Some of the things that were manifesting into reality as far as resistance that looked like his finances were starting to go down the business wasn't as becoming it wasn't escalating at a celebrated level as I wanted to my relationships were kind of like, not as depth full as I would like to be. It was that inner inner sense of knowing. And then when I went through that, again, it showed up in the way of I was in a peak physical condition. I was a bodybuilder and I was like, you know, I was putting all this validation outside of myself again, and I ended up hurting my back really bad. And so I was forced to sit on my couch for three months and just trying to figure out what to do with my time and function without art and concurrency with that, my my fiance was going to yoga school coming back to teaching me about meditation and showing me different yoga poses that would help my back. And it turned out that I felt such a deep, deep sense of peace, doing yoga that that dropped me into learning how to do different types of meditation. And within those meditation practices, that taught me about how to surrender to life, with a clear vision and clear purpose of what I genuinely feel called to move more towards, but also not being attached to what the outcome of that looks like. So if I want to build a million dollar business, that's a good goal to strive towards. But don't get depress, don't get upset if you don't build a million dollar business and the time frame that you want to build it in. Focus, focus on just executing a vision, but releasing that kind of standard we set for ourselves. I like that. And I think that answers another question that was coming up for me is like, how do you surrender into the moment, but also like, not just sit on your couch and surrender onto the couch, you know, it's like, you have a vision, and you move forward, but you don't have the attachment, the need to control and all the things that come out of fear to get you there, you just enjoying the process as you go. Something like he said, like don't surrender onto the couch, that was a part of the process, part of the journey too. I was surrendered on the couch for a minute like after so I've read this book called The Surrender Experiment. If you haven't read it, it's by Mickey singer is an amazing book. That was actually the one that kind of like, really was the launchpad for this journey? Was that book Exactly. Here's another book called The untethered soul. You can't read one and not read the other. Like, those are two books that need to be read hand in hand. And I have no specific order and which one you need to read that where people I recommend people reading them. But yeah, after I read that, I was like, Oh, it's like, so life is just about watching synchronicities. And just not having any decision or any control or any ownership of life and just being present as a floating around little human vessel. And that's very, very, very, that's not being a participant of life that's being very passive, being, in a sense, you're not capitalizing on, or you're not taking advantage or not really being in the expression, and the experience of a human and that form. And yeah, so when you said that I literally had a flashback, like all I was doing for about six months was just kind of letting anything happen. And having zero opinions and zero preferences. And that caused us a lot of friction with people in my life to be completely honest. Because people crave a polarity in their life as human beings, we crave clarity. And I didn't have any polarity. It was like, just go with the flow. Whatever happens happens. Yeah, 100% man, and I gotta say, this is coming up for me a lot. Right now we our story sounds just so similar. The fact that the selling all the things stuff, the way you hurt your back, you know, I hurt my back. And that was sent me into like, that was like the last straw for me. And then like, it was like meditation that kind of pulled me out of it, man. It's crazy. Let's talk about this offline. But I just had to mention that man, we got such interesting journeys that are so intertwined here. But I want to, I think a lot of people want to start a business, they want to they want to do something. So before we get too far into your journey, and how you've evolved since then, like what had been? What if you were to go back? Is there anything that you would change in the in the business that you built in your time in your mid 20s? That's a hard question to answer. Because now that I have some of these understandings in my life, I wouldn't change anything, because they led to exactly where I am today. And perfect. Yeah, so So I would say like, I wouldn't change anything, because they taught me very, very valuable lessons. And was speaking to those lessons, sorry, to cut you off, dig into those lessons, like what were the most important things that were coming up for you as an entrepreneur that you could pass on to people that want to start their own business, be falling into, you're starting a business, do not jump into a business to make money, I understand that financials are a very important part of life. And to have your own sense of self security is very important. But really leverage your community and build something with the community that you're deeply passionate about. Not gonna be whatever you want it to be. But follow passion and have a lot of fun with it. Because the money will eventually come. Because when you're passionate about something, the money will always always fall into place. I know there's been businesses that have failed and people are very passionate about it. But is it that it really fail? I mean, in the fit, like, what's your definition of failure and those terms, and so like, I've built businesses for three years that didn't show up, or I've built businesses for many years that didn't show profits for the first three or four years of building But you just keep going in there and doing it because it's so enjoyable and fulfilling. And like for right now, like, let's take the rising fact that, for instance, we've been working in building on this for three years, and we're in the rat. And it's a, it's an amazing, amazing business. And I'm so thrilled by having human interaction, human connection. Of course, I've also diversified my income in many different ways to ensure that I have security to take care of my life. But I'd say dude, just stick to your passion. And just go all in on it and don't teeter totter. I love that. Don't teeter totter goal line, but make sure you're leading with passion and fallen in love with the process and doing what you love and sharing with the world. Absolutely, absolutely. Oh, yeah. Now take us on the journey, you decided it was time to go take us on the journey, you sold all your things? How was your time abroad? And where'd you go? Being abroad was was absolutely amazing. So once we sold everything had did a couple America trips, where, you know, we went to like North Carolina. And it's I wanted to one of the things that was really important to me was to spend time, so my mom went to prison when I was 14 years old, for I think, about 12 years. And I didn't talk to her for 12 for very close to that time, about 12 years, or 10 years, actually. And I didn't see her obviously, for that period of time as well, and so something that's very, very important to me is continuously like building a relationship with my mom, and as I build that relationship with Mom, I start to recognize the deeper of a relationship I can have with both my parents, and my family and people who have helped raise me and build me to the man that I am today. I recognize that that is not only beneficial for our relationship, but it's also really beneficial for my intimate relationship with my fiance. It also helps me understand deeper parts of myself when I'm able to connect with them. And so I did like a five day break vacation, I guess, like the first traveling was going to North Carolina in the mountains, got a cabin with my mom for five days. And we literally just spent time with each other on this little piece of property between building fires, swimming in the creek, talking like lots of lots of talking and just having some random experiences. So it started there. And then when I came back, Jasmine, and I pretty much started backpacking to Costa Rica and Panama really, really understand or understood. In America, I think there's something that happens in America, where the the media will paint the picture of what the world looks like. And I don't know what the necessarily, I don't know necessarily what the agenda is to paint this narrative of the rest of the world. But the narrative that was painted for me was that if you go to Europe, if you've ever seen the movie hostel, if you go to Europe, everyone out there is trying to kidnap you and harvest you and sell you on the black market. If you go anywhere into South America, or Mexico, like yeah, you're gonna have the cartel following you because you know, you're a white person from America, and they want to kidnap you. And so there's narratives like playing in my head, and you go out to Costa Rica, I notice like, it's not that way at all, like my eyes were open in a completely different manner, people that are so loving and amazing and giving and beautiful. And I'm sure there are some truths to that narrative. But those that's usually the only narrative that gets highlighted. I don't, I never was painted the picture of having all these beautiful interconnected communities, how everyone's supporting each other families are living together. And houses are on properties of, you know, say 20, 30, 40 acres by 10 houses. One person is farming garden, or farming vegetables, one person has the cows someone has the chickens, and everyone's coming together and collectively utilizing each other's resources. It's not what happened here in America that I see, and again, this is all speculation from or projection from my own experiences in life. But I know I speak for a lot of the masses here when, when we're going through score top of the individual and self providing. And what I noticed around the world, especially when I was going through Costa Rica and Panama was that the families always stay together and like new members come in from other families and like the community that grows and they leverage all each other's powers and strengths. Because if you were to take take a couple human beings and put them out into the wilderness, like As humans, we need each other to grow, we need each other to thrive. And that was a huge huge realization for me going into Costa Rica. And we spent about two months out there just backpacking around traveling from hostel to hostel, we made a bunch a bunch of friends that like they just, it was amazing. It was absolutely amazing. I mean that hands down amazing experience. And then from Costa Rica, we hopped over to Europe and we backpack through like the Netherlands, Thailand, Italy, we're like in the Amalfi Coast area. And again, I had that reoccurring theme pop up, where the community was a little different, there's a lot of individuality, that is in Europe. But what I noticed is that community was very, very important to them. So like another lens shops didn't open until probably like nine o'clock, you know, when you wake up, you wake up with your family, you have coffee, or espresso first thing in the morning, you have your breakfast, spend time with each other, you go off to work, and you work from like nine to 12. And then they have like a two hour lunch or a nap time and then they go, then the shops open back up at like two o'clock and they're open till six, and everyone goes home, they get dressed up, and then they go out to dinner and they sit at dinner for like four hours. And like I don't know about you. But whenever I used to go out to dinner, or whenever I do go out to dinner in the US, it's how fast can you get in, get your food and get out, like now, when I go out to dinner, they have these little kiosks that are at each table. And you don't even have to interact with a person, you can put your order in at this little kiosk thing and you can pay right there, and then the server comes out just put food and leaves. And you can, you're done. And the experience of going out to eat is like 30 minutes. Whereas when I was in Europe, it was an experience. It was you go out and you sit down and you know you don't see your server for like the first 20 minutes to maybe bring you a bottle of wine, you start drinking with all your like drinking the wine with your friends, your family, whoever's you got to eat, you're just enjoying each other's company. And when I reflect back on being, you know, 25 and younger of how I was living my life, it was how fast can I get to the next destination. And how many people in this world do that their entire life, how fast gonna get to the destination, because I'm sure people have heard this before. But the number one regret on on the death on a lot of elderly his deathbed is that they wish that they spent more time or they have a lot of regrets and they wish that they spent more time with their friends or family of less focusing on the things that they could acquire. And so Europe again, was a huge, huge highlight on like, just how important it is to be spending time with each other as humans and how we, we don't need to be perfect. We just need to simply spend time with each other, and be in presence with each other. And that in itself is the journey is the collective experience. And so that was kind of that was kind of yeah man, and that's kind of the experience as far as traveling. You know, COVID happened, we came back to the US and we stayed in for a month this things were a little shaky. And then my fiance and I were like, okay, we need to just kind of like get away from all the craziness of what this like picture is being painted again. And we got an RV and traveled around the US mainly the West Coast for like six months where we're able to like boondock in the Mojave Desert connect a lot with nature and the land. We went out to Sequoia's spent like three weeks in the Yosemite, Yosemite Valley. And when we end up coming back, like we just had this, like all these different realizations and understandings that really changed the trajectory of our life that we wanted to. Basically 2020 was the year that I made the dedication, the commitment to myself, that I'm going to spend the rest of my life helping other humans. just helping other humans based off the path that I've walked and reach this level of kind of like, I guess a sense of knowing or just putting people a little bit more at peace with their self. Like we don't need gurus, we don't need coaches, like they're very helpful, definitely very helpful, and almost all of that, but we don't need them. It's, we can be our own. And we just have to know how to tap into our own intuition. And we have to have some of the right tools in our life. But really, it just like, again, I know I keep, you know, revolving around this, but community was so so important. Especially in a time of isolation at the 2020. 100% I heard actually someone I interviewed Sam Miller on the on the podcast. Recently he talked about the meaning of life is just to spend time with people you love in beautiful places. You know, it's like so simple and that's what you almost what came up for me as you're describing, you know, whether you're traveling in Central America, or eating dinner in Europe, like just slowing down, enjoying what you have right in front of you and the people around you and moving forward from there from that sense of community. Yeah, exactly. Life moves really slow. Like we think technology has us thinking life is routed fast, but it's it's actually very slow. Can you speak to and you've already done this a bit, but can you speak to the Chandler before you're traveling, and the Chandler after? Hmm. That's good. Let me tap into that. The Chandler before traveling, probably a little bit more insecure, and unsure of the world, unsure of my own little bubble, he still had a lot of the limiting beliefs, or belief systems that was keeping him and this continuous cycle of needing to gain validation from the external world. And the trailer that was traveled and versed has a very deep sense of knowing very deep sense of internal, like a compass. And is very connected with intuition, and very connected with, with the earth, in general. And I know that can kind of sound a little woowoo to some people like being connected to the earth and, and things but the fact is that we're organic creatures. And when I spent so much time out in nature for a long period of time, I'm not talking like take a week vacation in nature, I'm saying like spending like months out and out in nature, like matches, someone spent years out there, we're living in harmony with nature, you know, it's the Native Americans that love very much harmony with nature, and follow the patterns. It creates this dense, deep, deep connection with something much greater than yourself. So, you know, we can refer to that greater intelligence as God, we can create, we can refer to it as the universe or refer to it as divine intelligence, whatever the word is, that fits your description. And it's like sometimes, like if you really want to change the earth, or organic creatures, and so on the microscopic level when we can live in harmony with Earth, and with that deeper or that, that greater intelligence, it creates that faith, and it creates that trust, and really just internal relaxation. Because I feel like what's happening now in our world is that we're so hyper stimulated in every direction that we turn, but the only thing that's really giving us truth is nature. And even like, even when we go into prayer, it's sometimes hard to decipher between the thoughts that our environment has programmed into our mind. And what's actually our intuition or what's actually our conversations with that. Okay, how do you how do you tap into that intuition and decipher between the two? It's, it's a constant practice, you know, it's in the beginning, it was confusing, because your environment, approx your, your environmental proximity, whatever you're consistently exposed to, is exactly how you're going to develop meaning if I'm around entrepreneurs every day. And I'm not an entrepreneur, some of those entrepreneurial tendencies are going to wear off on me subconsciously. So like, same thing. Like say, if you're around a manipulative person, eventually, you will pick up manipulative behavioral patterns. And this isn't speculation or projection or anything like that, like this is like, this is how it works. As humans, we adapt to our environments very, very well. That's how we survived for, you know, the 1000's of years that we've been here. And so, first, for me, it was like I had to kind of eliminate or really make sure that I'm in a conducive environment, and be able to decipher between what were program thoughts, and what were thoughts coming from my deeper inner knowing. And so it's like a muscle, I call it intuition, of constantly tapping into that intuition. And I think the best practical, easiest takeaway that I can really describe that as what feels good, what feels right. Follow that. And keep following that, and don't stop following that. And as crazy as like the directional change might be, and one idea might be, just keep following it. And that's that deep sense of inner knowing that's kind of taking place and the more you spend, the more frequently you kind of follow that you'll be rewarded for it. And I like to combine that with the surrender of the unknown, and a surrender of expectations. It sounds like a, it's a process to just learn how to trust yourself again, and trust your gut or your intuition or whatever word you want to use to describe it. But ultimately, once you do that, then you're able to surrender to the greater hole or to the whatever's going on. it's larger than ourselves, but it sounds like it all stems from within you. Yes, yeah. 100%. And what other tools do you use to cultivate this intuition or to cultivate your, your life now? What habits are you putting into place? Things are so built into my routine now? I think one of the best things has been journaling and just reviewing my journal entries, and you know, I think a lot of People get hung up on a lot, at least a lot of people that I work with, they get pretty hung up on the perfect journaling style. And there's depending on your personality type. I think that there's a lot of different types of journaling styles out there for other people. And what I simply do is when I have an impactful moment in my life, I just pull out my journal, and write it down. And impactful can be whatever you define it as like whether if something important to you happened or something negative to you happened, or whatever you define as negative happened to you, like journal it, write it down, put the date on there, and just keep journal entries and consistently review those journal entries and review where you were. There's a I forget, I think, I guess, statistic, where, if you like, our memories are only like 30% accurate, because our perception of what's happening in the world is dictated based off like our own perspective. I say that right? Your what's happening in the world is dictated based off of your own personal perspective. So like you and I can look at same exact situation that happens, but have completely different views on how it actually happened. And so when we journal we, it's like almost like having a going into a time machine viewing where we once were, if you can also start to see patterns of your emotions. On the first of every single month, something happens in my life, what is the shirt dissecting things like that? And I think like for me, journaling has definitely been one of the most powerful practices and revealing my subconscious patterns. Because I think when we can understand our subconscious patterns, and where they come from, we can really start to understand peel back the layers of the depth of who we are. Absolutely. Can we backtrack a little bit? You talked about something that was there really struck me when you were talking about your mom going to prison for 12 years and then reconnecting after that? Are you open to speaking any any about and maybe even what what it was like to lose your mom for that that experience, long not even be able to talk to her and then reconnect after all that time? Yeah, man, definitely. You know, losing your mom for 12 years, it's very interesting. So when I was young, between the ages of seven or eight, up until actually even sooner that I was even I was like, five, five to probably 13, I went to close to about 18, or 20 different elementary schools. And it was a bunch of different things between jealousy happening on either one of my parents side, and pleading conflict, and they had to leave the sit like they like the only way to get away was like pack up and move. Other times it was financials, which was stemmed down into, like, why I had such a strong drive to become financially successful. Basically, like I just moved a bunch, I moved from Texas to Florida and all different cities in between. And so I never had like a lot of trust, and the area that I had to be very good at creating new friends and stability in my life. And I never had like a lot of trust with being able to live in one area. So like my trust in my mom at the time was not over the top we like high. And so we finally found a space that we lived that for two or three years. And living anywhere longer than three months was amazing. Like I was so happy to live somewhere and have friends for longer than three months. And so we lived at this place for two or three years. And I finally convinced myself to open like to 13 going into high school, I was very excited that I actually had friends. I've been friends with two years now. And when I have friends throughout high school, I saw my whole life in front of me, where I was like, this is going to be an amazing life. I'm so excited. And then my mom ended up going to prison and actually held a lot of resentment towards her for quite some time, because I felt like I was betrayed. And that the trail actually fed into a lot of subconscious behaviors in the sense of how I handled relationships. I didn't take anyone serious, but if anyone was going to be in my life for a long time, so I never created depth. And that's something I still work on today is learning how to create depth in my relationships. Because that sense of a trail that I felt when I was you know, 14 years old, 14 to 20 or 22 years old, that finally start talking to my mom again when she was in prison. When I was 23. I talked to her for two years, every Sunday at seven o'clock. We had about 30 minutes to talk. That's uh, that was that was like an interesting, just a very interesting time. So sorry, I kind of lost track of where I was where I was at. Yeah, I felt I felt very like I said, I felt very betrayed. And it was yeah, I lost track of my key refresh me real quick. Well, you're just talking about the sense of resentment and betrayal that was going on because of your mother's leaving and that it was always challenging for you to create depth in your relationships. And then it's always an ongoing thing. And you're still working on now. And that eventually you started talking with your mom, then you did it. I think you said twice, twice a month on Sundays. And it sounds like you rebuild the relationship from there. So like, how is that now played a role in your life? And how was that coming back together after all that time? Yeah, so it taught me a deep, deep lesson. And it showed me an amazing, it was hard not having her for that long period of time. But the amount of release and pressure that took place when I was actually able to start identifying some of these characteristics that I had, and correlating them with her leaving, taught me profound understandings in my life. And it all feeds back into I talked about it and talking about it as the surrender aspect of things. But like, everything is happening, is everything is happening for us, never happening to us. And so whatever happens in our life, don't attach, don't attach an emotion to it, don't hold on to that emotion too long. You know, it's okay to have emotions, and but holding resentment, all it's doing is hurting yourself. And because it's like, as humans, we have the beautiful power of getting angry or getting sad or getting happy, for joyful, all of these different array of experiences, we can we can experience just not having the attachment to it. And so it taught me a lot of lessons from her going to prison, and looking back at it. Amazing in those moments, you know, saying the, from 14 to 25 timeframe of not being able to interact with her, that was a lot of a very confusing time, we're actually suppressed it for eight years, I didn't think about, you know, contacting her, I was like, maybe not a big deal. It's not affecting me, it's not, it's not an issue. And then when you're 25, and you realize that you're having the same path, the same relationship problems pop up, of not being able to create depth and relationships or not wanting to get too close to people, then you start to peel back those layers and try to understand where they came from, that's when I was able to kind of like peel it back, look at it from my bomb going away. And now when I go into prayer, I go into meditation. And I'm reviewing kind of all the people in my life that I want to send love out to, you know, my mom is one of those people that obviously pop up on that list. And it just thank you for the experience. Thank you for the lessons, thank you for going to prison. So I could be the person that I am today and be the leader that I am today. Having a lot of grace. Way to flip it around and find the gratitude the things to be grateful for and something like that man, it reminds me of this I will the resentment I've actually been working through a lot of this stuff with my my father, now that I'm back in Lakeland, where he lives, but just like recently, I'm going through this stuff. But it's like that what came up from you, when you were talking about that is the idea around forgiveness, like forgiveness isn't for the other person, it's for you. So you can let go. And so you can move on and not be burdened or held back by what they may or may not have done to you in the past, it's like allows you to move forward into the future free of free of those things. So I got a lot of feeling of that man, respect for sharing. I appreciate that. And it's clear why that's not led to your desire to create community. But imagine the sub the subconscious blocks are coming up like you have a process or experience you could share about kind of uncovering the subconscious blocks, these limiting beliefs like you had on before on money around relationships around the sort of things that you could pass on, that would be important to know. So journaling, again, like I'll circle back to that journaling is very, very important, because that will reveal a lot. It'll reveal a lot. And asking yourself a very simple question. And I frame it in one word that's WHY. you can just get really good at asking yourself, why do I do this? Why and where did this come from? And just keep going back and putting yourself in those moments or say like, say you and your partner, get into an argument. And the argument escalates to a point of where you guys are yelling at each other and calling each other names. You separate as far as like in that moment, and take time for yourself to cool down. What I would do in that situation would ask myself, why did we, why did that happen? Where did it come from? What was it about in review the actual tangible things that I can review. And then I start to ask myself, when was the last time that I felt this way? What were the feelings that I felt? Who was the last person that made me feel this way? And I really, really tried to, you know the who, what, why where when I just keep asking different styles of questions to understand What other times in my life have I felt these ways? And I journal about it, and you can reveal those kinds of subconscious patterns of Do you want to fix them? Or these? Like, do you want to get into a fight with a significant other on a regular basis and calling each other names? Some people enjoy that thrill? Some people don't. If you want to change it, just ask yourself, why and where did it come from. And remember, the last time that those those came through, there's a journal practice that I do called pages. I don't know if you've heard of something like that. Clincher. Basically, like when you first wake up in the morning, I always recommend doing this practice right away first thing in the morning. And the reason I recommend doing first thing right away in the morning is because you don't have any of the baggage from the rest of the day. It's basically like almost like a clean slate when you're waking up. And that's when you're most connected with your subconscious mind. And so you wake up, I would say, within the first five minutes, go to the bathroom, drink your water, and go sit down with your journal and just start writing. And you don't have to have any direction of what you're writing about to start writing. I just woke, I'm very tired, man I don't like waking up this early. Why am I even writing on this journal? Well, you know what, I heard this on a podcast that I should be writing in this journal. I really love podcasts, maybe I should write my own podcast. Write pages, three pages, front and back. Do it every day for 21 days. And look for you to become an investigator, essentially, like start looking for the synchronicities or start looking for some of the things that are reoccurring themes inside your journal entries. And then you can start kind of peeling back the layers and asking yourself why. it seems I love I love the idea around journaling, and especially doing it so consistently. But it's like, seems almost so simple as the subconscious things are running our life beneath the surface, just bring it up to the surface by asking these questions, journaling about maybe talking to people about if there's a safe company for that. And then the opportunity is you have a choice, you have a choice? Do you want to keep doing like this? Doing it like this, you want to make some changes in your life? Or, you know, that's it seems like a really powerful way to just to bring it up in this at least you have an opportunity to decide what you want to do moving forward? Definitely, definitely. There's a lot of good. Like, if anyone's interested in diving deep into neuro linguistic programming, it's a very awesome way to ask good like to learn, you type in go into Google and type in, you know, NLP questions. And that'll give you a whole list of questions that you can ask yourself, because not always not everyone's always really good at trying to think of these questions. I've been doing this for 10 years, not everyone's really good at being able to come up with those questions off the top of the mind. So if you're looking for good questions, NLP questions, let's try to think of like a different way to phrase that. But no, that's awesome. So let's go in now you're working through all this stuff. I appreciate you sharing that again. And now you're leading into this, this, you found the sense of purpose and creating community and just talk a bit more about what you're doing now. Yeah, so what I do now is, you know, I'm a co founder of this organization called the rising collective. And we bring together, we bring people together. And we show them how powerful we are from the inside. And to ignite that power is the power of community, and on having a couple core concepts and understanding how to identify ourselves inside of other people. And what I mean by that is that we are all reflections, when we look out into the world. And you see someone, what you're seeing in that person and what you're immediately catching attention to, is only a direct reflection of ourselves. So if I look at someone and immediately notice their hat, blue eyes, and smile, something inside of my subconscious mind is picking up on that right away because there's something that I relate to, to the hat, eyes and smile. And so that's up to us to understand exactly what that means if it's important to dig deeper. And so we're getting into a conversation with someone. Or if there's something about someone that we don't like, the only reason we don't like that about someone is because of that reminding us of something in our past that has made us feel that way before. And so you can only we can learn so much about each other through understanding the reflections in each other. And so what we do is we bring these communities together, we kind of help them empower them with these tools to show up in their communities to be able to see that in each other like when they go out to like say their businesses and I think one of the most powerful modalities that we've used was our immersive experiences. So we have like an online app, where everyone engages, and we have, like live calls are thought leaders. And then we also have our immersive experiences where we take people out to primarily like, sit down Costa Rica, North Carolina, and we bring, you know, 20-30 people together under one roof and show them what it's like to live in community, some of that experience that Jasmine and I experienced were in Costa Rica, and what it really looks like to be living in harmony with each other, and a bunch of different personality types, how we all can benefit, and heal each other on this journey, and kind of help each other, you know, live in this state of surrender, but also having purpose and drive as well. I love it, man. If someone can't quite come to their to come to Sedona or come to Costa Rica, like where could they start? How do they start to find this inner sense of knowing and and see that the reflections are projecting on to other people all kind of pointing back at them, like where would someone start? So the first place I always recommend people is, we have an online app. If you start people start there, we have multiple types of workshops, where first things first, even if you don't go to the app, learn about your own personality type. There's something called an Enneagram. It's also it's basically the Enneagram test. For those who aren't familiar with it. It's basically a personality test. And this is one of the oldest ones that we had just winning, this one has been around like, for Jesus, there's nine different, or nine different personality types. And they label them as a one, a two, a three, a four, all the way up to nine. And you will learn about how you operate when you are at your best. And you also will learn about how you operate when you're at your worst how you show up in front of people and how you show up when you're alone. And when you can learn about your strengths and weaknesses, you can really lean into your strengths, and then surround yourself with people that are your weaknesses. And so for me will take me as an example like I consider it a life and easiest. So I'm a number seven on the enneagram test. And I'm really, really like optimist about life go by the flow and a very trusting, but what happens is I can be easily manipulated or easily taken advantage of. And so what I do is I surround myself with other people that have strengths and being able to get to, it's very good at being able to identify people that have ulterior motives. And so I have a couple twos in my life that I surround myself with, that I can confine in, to kind of check my blind spots. And so we understand our own personality type that also and understand other personality types that helps us understand what this person's deepest desires are, what this person's really, really motivated by, and we can start to communicate with them on a deeper level. And so if you learn about personality types, it will learn about your own personality type, it helps you really navigate the waters of other personalities. And so on our app, that's where we have one of those workshops, we always recommend people learn what your personality type is, and just start the rabbit hole from there. And the app also offers you know, like, like breathing like breathing exercises, and like movement exercises, just really reconnecting us with our body. And then how to go out into our community and start engaging with people with these new practices that we've understood. Can you share more about the practices you're offering and the sort of things you would recommend people do in this regard? Yeah, I mean, I, the first thing that I recommend people is like learning how to breathe, I think a breath will control the way that your mind operates. And when I say we're like hunched over a little bit, you know, what, what ends up happening is you're cutting off your diaphragm. And so you're only taking it you're taking in like 10%, less oxygen 10%, less oxygen compounded over a lifetime, results in degenerative brain disease, or lack of oxygen inside of the brain. And the brain needs oxygen to operate appropriately. You know, if you break down like we're 70% water 80% water in a water molecule, you know, h2o, you have an oxygen molecule in there. That only leads me to believe that oxygen is very important in the operating system of the human body. And so if you can learn how to breathe and how to control your state of mind through the power of breath, you can really, really take control of not being rammed by your emotions, but really become an observer of your observations. And then that leads me into learning how to breathe and then learning how to find your own style of meditation. Not all meditation needs to be sitting in lotus pose for hours on end throughout the day that can be through the power of movement, whatever I would say meditation is two different forms, whatever will silence the mind from thinking and putting you into, like what we like to call the flow state. And then also a style of meditation that's very reflective, where you can reflect on the thoughts you're having not having attachment to the thoughts that are coming in out of your mind, but observing them, and then asking yourself those questions. Why am I having these thoughts? Where did these thoughts come from? Those can be very, very powerful. And then they also obviously pair that with again, what is it? journaling? journaling? I love it. I want to switch gears a little bit, man, this has all been really good. But I'm curious to know now with your you've had so much experience, you've traveled the world, you've done all these things. And I imagine that it's clear that all these shifts have come out from with you with inside of you, and you're seeing things through a new lens. What do you see going on in the world around us right now? Like what's happening here? You know, it's funny that you asked this. I mean, I guess it's not funny. But this is a very common question I've been getting so much lately, especially now, over the past month. And I'm not sure if like, you know, if the 2020 regulations are kind of like loosening up more, or because they're getting stripped because there's like so much polarity that's happening in the world. But I'm actually really excited. And I'm, I love seeing what's happening. Because I think 2020 highlighted all the areas that we have, that of our life that we've been suppressing, and not only our own personal lives, but the world as well. And I'm seeing a lot of old systems that don't serve us kind of fall and crumble and it's uncomfortable. It's fucking really uncomfortable. Because everything that we have once known, we need to rebuild. But we also have a foundation of the world that works for us. Now we're able to broke now we're able to build from there, we're not starting from scratch, where we have an amazing system that's built life amenities and comfortability. for us. I think there's a massive spiritual awakening happening on the planet, because and we have a deeper desire to become sovereign beings, meaning we don't want to be controlled, or manipulated anymore, we are moving into a direction of sovereignty. And we're having a deep reverence with our I guess that's called ancestral roots, essentially, where we're trying to tap into these, we just want to be peaceful, and we want to live in a much more state of bliss, blissfulness, I suppose. And so I think there's a lot more systems to fall and crumble. And I think there's gonna be a lot more friction and resistance that's coming along with it. But in the long term of things, we're gonna look back at this 100 years from now, well, maybe not you and I, but I think humanity 100, 200, 300 years from now, we're gonna look at it and be like, Wow, what an amazing experience. That was, I can't imagine what it was like going through that. But how beautiful the era that we're at now, we had to go through that hard time in order to appreciate the moments that were in. Oh, yeah. How do you recommend people manage the change that's coming out in the shifts that are going on right now? How do people manage the world dynamics and shifts? The shifting times i? Well, let me just let me to speak a little bit more, because I resonate a lot with what you're saying. And I think once you've seen we went to travel to you've, you faced a lot of adversity or whatever it is that might be going on in your life, you you're kind of called to serve at a higher level. But right now, I get a sense as I'm talking to people from all the world, in different regards. And there, there's different levels of, well, there's a lot of fear. There's a lot of fear about these things that are coming out, there's a lot of fear of the changes that are really in my eyes, and it seems like yours as well, like inevitable that are coming. So I guess my question is, you know, how do you recommend people handle the changes the challenges that lie ahead? So we can get to this world where we're more connected, more spiritually intertwined with the with, with nature, perhaps, or community? Like how do we navigate the unknown ahead? Well, I believe and this is my own projection. And I never want to push my path on the other people, but I genuinely believe that the sooner we can get deeply reconnected with spirituality, not religion. But, and you can have spirituality within religion too. Like I'm not opposed to that by any means. You know, I think I think a couple things that are coming up for me right now is one having a having core values for yourself. And so whatever those core values are, breathing and living by those core values is extremely important. And you can define them whatever you want them to be. And then having a deep sense of spiritual connection is very important as well. Because I personally for me, my insecurities came from the unknown, and came from, oh, this can be taken away, like living in a linear mindset, meaning you're born, you die, like say, we take 100 years of a timeframe of a human being, you're born at zero, you die at 100, you have all these things in between that you need to get done before you die. The fear of death freaks me the fuck out, dude. And I had no sense of knowing beyond that. But when I started tapping deeper into spirituality, you can call it you know, we can call it a false sense of knowing for people that aren't spiritual, or whatever it is that we want to convince ourselves. But for me, I, I believe that I'm connecting to a deeper spiritual, you know, God, and I have that faith that I'm always taken care of. And I have that faith, that everything that's happening is happening for me, and it's never happening to me. Regardless, I don't want to speak anything's into the manifest and like, into the world of the manifestation. But regardless of what it is, I try to not have it being a good or a bad, it all being part of the divine plan that needs to happen. For us, as spiritual beings, like we are so much more than this meat suit that we kind of like showed up on this planet, as there's a consciousness that's existing inside of our being inside of this body, and not even inside of this body. But it's like, there's a, like our consciousness has been encapsulated inside of this body. And now this human body is an expression of consciousness. And the thing, the caveat that we have with this body of expression, is that we adapt to our environment very, very well. And so we have to be very particular about what it is that we're going to surround ourselves by. Because that human can, the human thoughts can get mixed with the spiritual guidance. And so for me, I think the best thing that I always recommend people is create a deep sense of connection with spirituality, with a deep sense of oneness, let's take spirituality, religion out of it, just have that deep sense of faith, knowing that everything is happening for you, and or that's happening for you at all times, no matter what. And don't have a attachment to your emotions and don't have an attachment to the outcome of how you think something needs to be, just show up in truth, meaning show up, and the way that you feel is true to you. And that's all we can really do, is a person that I really enjoy. His name's Ram Dass, and I'm sure a lot of people do know who he is for the people that don't, he never preached about, he never preached about the depths of spirituality or what's happening after death, or what happened before death, or all of the reincarnation processes that are talked about Eastern religion or Eastern philosophy. He talked about the only thing that we know that were promised is the right here and the right now, what's directly in front of me and directly what I'm experiencing. And I think if we can tap into that exact present moment, and when I say that, it's hard for people to conceptualize, because even when I say that, and people are listening to this podcast, people are still thinking about what they're going to eat for lunch. And they're still thinking about the things that happen to them in their life. And even if they believe that they're in this current present moment, right now, their body is reacting subconsciously, to what their environment is feeding them. And so as I sit here, right now, someone walks by in front of me to walk by in front of me, and the same clothes that I was that someone wore, when they bullied me, inside of me, I get tense. And so that pulls me out of that present moment. So when we can learn to be in that direct present moment, the future is fear, or anxiety of what might happen, but it's not here yet, we have no idea. When we go into something that I refer to or that of, you know, like, we start getting into like quantum like the quantum realms. We don't want to think of hypothetical illusions, or put ourselves into a belief system that hasn't existed yet in our physical reality here, and we don't want to jump back in time and live in experience that's already happened. And so when I'm saying something like that, what I'm what I'm trying to get to, is, when we're thinking about what's going to happen in the future, we're having anxiety about the unknown. We're living the unknown anxiety we're living experience that hasn't happened yet. We're creating the emotion inside of our bodies, when our body's going to do with a body's going to respond to that anxiety and it's going to create subconscious thought patterns and triggers for us to continuously live in the state of fear. So now in the present moment, we're always living in fear is this thinking about the past or constantly reflecting on the past of things that we didn't like that happen. We're stuck in this past timeline of an area that we didn't like didn't agree with. And we're not staying in that present moment. And so to loop this all back then of, you know, basically, what is it that I think people really, really need? It's just like having that deep sense of spirituality and spirituality can be defined as like, for me, honestly, because like, I don't have the answers, really anything other than knowing what's directly in front of me is direct is exactly what I do. And what exactly what I'm experiencing. I feel a call for presence. And I love how this cycle came back around. We started with the idea of knowing of trust of intuition of understanding your own values and living in alignment with that. And now here we are again. Yeah, brother. Oh, Lupo, man. There we go. So Chandler, can you share a bit more about where people can find out what you're up to the retreats you have going on social media, all that sort of stuff. For sure, man. Um, so I think the best way to get in contact with me or to follow the journey and kind of follow the things that we got going on, I have my personal Instagram page, which is chandlerjerrico, Instagram. And then we have our therisingcollective, same thing on Instagram, you can follow both journeys, one journey, whichever one you guys prefer. And then if you're really trying to engage and get involved with the community that we've been building, I would recommend jumping on to our app, which you can find the link inside of our BIOS, either one of our profiles are inside of there. And that's at least going to start the rabbit hole, or at least start the engagement process. So you can look at the workshops, you start talking to people just kind of getting involved. And if it turns out that an experience or an immersion is calling you, we have Sedona, which is going to be coming up in November, and so we did Sedona last year, Sedona was, you know, nothing but hands down. Absolutely amazing, and life changing. But I think the first step is just simply getting involved on the app. And we have local in person events that we usually do here in St. Petersburg area. But yeah, digital community, you know, as we're traveling, that's going to be the main main pinnacle of the place. I mean, pinnacle point to get involved with perfect, I'll link all those in the show notes below. So anyone interested in connecting, be sure to reach out. Chandler, I'm just curious to the last question really is what's the vision you have for all that you're creating in the vision you have for your life. So I mean, like big, big, big vision, if you want to take that is I want to have multiple locations around the world that I can travel to different vortexes that are different communities, where they're fully self sustaining. And it's a space where people come and learn how to learn how to build these communities for themselves. And so if we were to take one, you know, we're putting all of our own resources, food, water, we have community connection, creation contribution, all involved in this center, and then people from around the world come and visit and it can be an incubator, to, for people to learn how to do this ego, create their own community, and grow these different areas for themselves. That's amazing, man. I can't wait to dive in more definitely to be joining one of these retreats somewhere and join with these communities. And hopefully, I'll be seeing you soon at this time. Just go we have going on. We'll talk offline about that. But that's all I got anything else you want to say before we wrap up? Let's say the last thing is you're perfect just the way you are. And you don't need to be anyone. You don't have to try to be anyone. Like you're just exactly where you need to be perfect in the position that you're at. Thanks. Thanks, man. I need to hear that today. I appreciate it. I know someone else out there does too. So thanks so much for coming on the action hour, man. I really really appreciate it. Ladies and gentlemen dive into Chandler's world. Thanks again for listening. We will catch you on the next episode.