The Action Hour

Interview with Sam Miller - Real Estate & Travel Entrepreneur, Digital Creator

July 14, 2021 Season 2 Episode 14
Interview with Sam Miller - Real Estate & Travel Entrepreneur, Digital Creator
The Action Hour
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The Action Hour
Interview with Sam Miller - Real Estate & Travel Entrepreneur, Digital Creator
Jul 14, 2021 Season 2 Episode 14

Sam grew up in a single-mother home in Northern Australia but, after the realization that he was not going to settle for the status quo, he ended up on motorcycle riding from Canada to Argentina.

After falling in love with Colombia along the way he settled in and, over the course of 10 years, built a multi-million dollar real estate investment brand.

He's launched his own brand now and is always pushing into the unknown.

Sam drops so much value in this episode as we hit on everything from his travel to plant medicine and consciousness to the future of Colombia and the world.

Subscribe to Sam's Newsletter and connect with him on Instagram.

Then buckle up and enjoy the ride! 

Show Notes Transcript

Sam grew up in a single-mother home in Northern Australia but, after the realization that he was not going to settle for the status quo, he ended up on motorcycle riding from Canada to Argentina.

After falling in love with Colombia along the way he settled in and, over the course of 10 years, built a multi-million dollar real estate investment brand.

He's launched his own brand now and is always pushing into the unknown.

Sam drops so much value in this episode as we hit on everything from his travel to plant medicine and consciousness to the future of Colombia and the world.

Subscribe to Sam's Newsletter and connect with him on Instagram.

Then buckle up and enjoy the ride! 


Welcome to the action hour. My name is Jesse Simpson. And I believe there's never been a better time in the history of the world to be alive. I'm on a mission to bring you the insights, ideas and inspiration, you need to uncover your greatness and take action on your dreams. If you want to start a business, write a book, take a big trip, or level up to a higher state of living in the world. mentally, physically, spiritually, or financially, the stories found in the show will provide the action steps and energy you need to succeed. No matter what you are going through, or where you've been. You can at any time, break that cycle and transform your life. This show is going to show you how to do it. If you've got the itch to act, now is the time allow the inspiring stories within this show to serve as your guide. This is the action hour, buckle up and enjoy the ride. Sam Miller, thanks so much for coming on your real estate and travel entrepreneur and digital creator and I've gotten to know you over the last couple of months. And you are so much more than that, man, I'm grateful today to to hear your story to share your story with some more people and welcome you to the action hour. How's everything going in Colombia? Thanks for having me on, Jesse. Things are going great. I'm out in Envigado. I'm in the hills above Medellin, overlooking the city. It's It's beautiful here as as always the weather, the weather is absolutely perfect. Things are things are evolving and transforming here, I think the the the country is going through some necessary communication right now. And that's being expressed in different ways. So never, never a dull day down here. Absolutely Never a dull day in Colombia. Tell me, tell me a bit more about what's going on. From your perspective. You've been there for a while now we're getting to that. But for someone who's never been to Colombia, maybe they're seeing stuff on the news right now about the protests, that sort of stuff. From your perspective, what's going on there. The country has been through a unique, unique situation, in terms of its history in terms of the diversity of the people that live here, the way that they've found to experience 20 years of incredible growth, despite despite a, you know, let's say and unofficial agreement to allow certain types of businesses and not allow other types of businesses and a tangled, tangled web of of business dealings, let's say, that have allowed this country to flourish in certain ways whilst maintaining its grip in other ways. And I think this, as, you know, as more information comes out in this in the internet, and information age, it's more more things have been exposed, more grievances, are being justified. And I think there's a wide range of groups that are that are, you know, that are having trouble. You know, you living and ignoring these things further, and frequently, or occasionally, in Colombia, that spills out to the streets and people express and vent. And, and, and demand change, and the government has, has responded and is opening dialogue. And I think dialogue is the key to progressing through this time. But I think a lot of this is about demanding a future of Colombia that is congruent with the opportunities and potential that this place has, as opposed to being kind of restricted and, and confined in the way that it has been. So you know, it's it's, it's a it's a, it's a difficult time, but I think it's important and necessary time for Colombia to continue evolving and transforming. Amazing, man, thank you for sharing that. I think it's really important to get that perspective. And it's important to recognize when you're going through transformation or going through through change, it's going to be tough, but it's necessary part of the process. And you spoke into the idea of the potentials and opportunities that are in Colombia. What would that look like from your perspective? It's it's good You know, to oceans, it's got five different climate zones, it's got snow capped mountains, Caribbean beaches, a mix and diversity of cultures that, you know, makes you feel like you're walking through five different countries in one. It's geographic location has as an epicenter of business in, in Latin America, its potential in tourism is has really been untapped. It's been, it's been isolated for decades. And the last decade has been really where we've seen that, okay, you know, the world is starting to, to realize what's happening here, they're starting to, you know, look beyond the, the, the most dramatic and cinematic associations that have been given to this country and, and everyone who comes here as an incredible time. So there's potential in tourism, there's potential in what I think is, which is going to potentially be a big part of this next decade, which is healing, Colombia as a healing destination. You know, medical tourism is already a pretty big thing in Medellin, Cali, Bogota, there's a lot of hospitals that are receiving international pay, you know, patients, that for various things, sometimes it's cosmetic, sometimes even stem cell and medicine. But what I think is going to be happening in is going to be something that you're, you know, you're familiar with, which is this ancestral medicine, which I think is an important, it's an important pool of knowledge and tradition, that Colombia is in a position to offer at a time when, you know, the US and Europe and other parts of the world are starting to realize that it's our, it's our mind, it's our consciousness, which causes and solves a lot of the the illnesses and sicknesses that we're finding, today. So, so I really think that's, that's going to be a big part of the potential of Colombia, over this next decade is going to be providing that ancestral voice, that tradition of, of, of ceremony and intention and of transformation and integration. You know, I think, sometimes the, the, when I look for I look for doctors, I look for people who have been through what I've been through who have either been through it themselves, or they've worked closely with other people who have been through that type of sickness. And I think, you know, when we're, when we're talking about healing, there's so much pain that this country has been through that I think that their focus, or their, their, their healing is going to be a valuable part of this conversation as we, as we kind of navigate. Okay, how do we, how do we, you know, what we're discovering these substances that allow us to explore our consciousness and heal ourselves are, are great, but how can we understand and tap into the wisdom from, from tribes and civilization in groups that have been doing this for hundreds and thousand's of years? Absolutely, I mean, that's, there's so much in that we can unpack but I think the you're spot on with everything you're saying about the need for it. I had a conversation with someone the other day, and it was basically the idea of bringing nature nature's technology with modern day technology and his ancestral wisdom, people that have been working with these medicines and the the rituals and all the things they've been doing for hundreds, if not 1000s of years, and Amazon, combining that with what we need here in our sixth society that we need to heal and grow. And so I've never heard that perspective before. Man on the idea of Colombia is like a location for healing. But I think you're spot on with it. And Colombia has went through so much change went through so much upheaval and disorder. It's just like, on the other side of this, we're just hoping that that's what's going to be there. But take us back to I mean, you've been there for 10 years now, Sam, so like, what was what have you seen been the major major differences that have been over the last 10 years or how are things different now? Sure, um, I guess like, I'll start with how I found this place I was living in I was living in Canada after after a few is traveling, you know, I graduated University in Australia, I was I was following the program to, to get a degree get a job took me a few months in an office to realize I didn't want that, like it was way too predictable, I could see my very comfortable Australian life, you know, 20 years down the road. And you know if I could imagine it, if I could imagine it, I felt like I've already kind of lived it. And so I wanted to roll the dice and see what's out there and see, see what else could happen. I was, you know, I was in my early 20s. I was like, Okay, what else? Is there a friend suggest we ride motorbikes to South America? I was like, that sounds like exactly what I should do. I, you know, there's so many countries, especially in Australia, it's just such a very Australia centric perspective in South America was just kind of a cluster of countries. And so, you know, as I was going through each of these countries, you cross the border, and you know, okay, what language? What currency? You know, I guess I've heard about Costa Rica, my mom's always talked about, you know, the, the, that she'd like to retire in Costa Rica, one day, she's heard it's paradise. And, you know, Panama as well. So I had, I had a few kind of worldly perspectives of what what's going on in these countries. And then I found myself on a motorbike spending, you know, basically a year from Canada to Argentina, crossing through these countries and going through the going through the heart of these countries and breaking down in the middle of nowhere, and talking to mechanics, and, you know, really getting off any type of kind of more typical tourist trail, I guess. And in it, it's changed my life. It was it was an awesome trip in general. When I got to Colombia. I didn't have a lot of preconceived ideas. I was pretty like, okay, what's going on? I heard everyone who had been through there it was, you know, it was everyone was coming north. They were like, yeah, like, Colombia was my favorite. So I'm, like, I got here. What I found was a country that was, that was, I think, still reeling from some pretty traumatic decades. And, you know, this 2010, they, they just had, maybe seven or eight years of growth. But, but before that, that was 20 years of terror of, of pretty, pretty, pretty traumatic negotiations, basically. I mean, it was it was different groups vying for power and cash flow. And they, they took it to the streets, and it was bloody, and it was messy. And it it beat up the, the esteem the pride of so many people in the country. And even though there had been, you know, almost a decade of progress away from that, of improved security of an economy that was starting to shoot off, right, due to a presidency in an administration that brought in security and, and basically made an agreement, how they, how they saw that they needed to make agreements, and the column in Colombia began to flourish. So I got there, I saw all of Colombia's potential. And there was a population that was you know, they weren't there were there, were still kind of getting over that and processing that and getting through that. So over the past 10 years, I've seen, I've seen Colombians start realizing and start traveling throughout their own country, and realizing their own potential. And we've seen that reflected in, in the, in the real estate, we've seen that reflected in, in the way that, you know, they talked about their own country, you know, on social media and, and, you know, so that's been a fascinating transformation to be a part of, because, you know, it was it I got here with fresh eyes, I didn't have the fear that so many, so many Colombians had been you know, involuntarily, involuntarily programmed to have through headlines saying you know, if you travel you're going to get kidnapped if you if you try out like you know, and things were happening it was it was bad. You know, there was there was a there was bombs, there was shootings, there was things going off in this in this in this war of negotiation, and it implanted fears that I guess I didn't have when I got here. So I was going around with fresh eyes like hey, check this out. Look at this, look at this, look at this. And so it's been it's been a you know, it's been a fascinating, a fascinating decade here watching Colombia flourish in that in that way. Amazing, man. I'm, I'm glad you've been there. And I'm glad you had those fresh eyes because I think the perspective you're sharing with the world is, is opening people's minds to the beauty of Colombia and some of these things we've already talked about. But let's backtrack a bit, Sam, tell us about that motorcycle trip? What I mean, tell us all about it, you know, what, what, what, what takes? What's the preparation, like? And what was it like to ride all the way down there? And how did you did you make it all the way to Argentina? And what else did you learn along the way? I guess, um, you know, I grew up with, you know, like, I guess like a, like a middle class, just a suburban Australian town. Things are easy. Australia is such a nice country is it's so easy. It's like, you know, the support systems it says, as good as, as good as it can get in, in many ways. But I always felt that, that there was something wrong, that there's something wrong, just being too comfortable with just, you know, I could, I could feel that, that stagnation that that shutting down of, of desires and cease of of this of certain types of energies in me, right, like when you get that job and you you follow the program, you just stop shutting down and shutting down ambition shutting down adventure, you start getting you start caring about things that aren't as important. You know, and so I just fell off. And I and so, I started I left I left Australia to get away from that I wanted to be like, Okay, I need to push I need I need I think what I know now I didn't know what at the time what I think it was like I was looking for that, that that that rite of passage to to to grow to evolve to be like okay, you know, like this is this is life you have owned you know, your your progress you have earned something you have been you've been tested by by fire. And I think that's what I was always kind of looking forward was like, Okay, I'm just gonna go go to South Korea. See what happened. Okay, taught English. I was easy enough. Like, that's, that's good to know. I've got a plan B, I can always, you know, go bank, like 20-30 grand, you know, teaching English there, get some privates great. went to Canada went snowboarding. I'm like, Okay, this is good. This is like, you know, I'm getting around as well as like, you know, this welds, alright, but it's still kind of, like, easy. You know, I still didn't feel like I'd been tested. And so it was when when that idea was came up to be like, okay, ride a motorbike. I'm like, I don't have a motorbike. I don't know how to ride a motorbike. That was like, Okay, this is this is what I'm looking for. This is going to, you know, this is a complete journey into the unknown that is going to really force my evolution, because I'm going to be tested in ways that I don't, I don't know yet. So that's kind of why I did it. It took about it took seven months to get to Colombia. And then I stayed here for eight months, just because I was like something something's going on here. I did a loop of the country and in about a month in the first month, and I'm like, this is this is this is your like, Colombia's got it going on. So I stuck around for eight months. But I was like, I still gotta finish the trip. I finished that solo for four months. And then and then came back to Colombia. The preparation, I think, you know, I I over prepared on that first trip, because you're like, Okay, I need this little stove and this little camping gear and this kind of thing. I need all this gear, you need everything. You know, I need to have everything in place. And I'm like in and I'm like it that that was over preparation. Because when you when you travel, you realize every you know, especially motorbikes in Latin America, like the default mode of transport, or like every single town you go into even the smallest of towns, there's always a mechanic. You know, there's always a pharmacy, there's always toothbrushes and toothpaste, you know, so I started out with my little you know, foldable toothbrush and all this thing and you, you tried, you try to over plan and it's like, in the end of the day, like now I've just, I guess I've I've learned the value of minimalism and then being dependent on less tools, less things. Packing lighter, being lighter and more nimble, is is a much more enjoyable way to do this, instead of having an overpacked bike and you know just just getting weighed down by all of those, all of those things that you don't need, and that you can, if you actually need something, you can find it wherever you are in the world Call to adventure, and you weren't getting it in Canada, you weren't getting it in South Korea, but it's like this motorbike was there. And it was waiting for you. And here you are in Colombia. Any any close calls or any memorable moments on that trip? Sure. Sure. Ah, plenty. I mean, I think I, I, I found a level of freedom that I that I was, I thought I was looking for in in Nicaragua, when I was like, you know, riding with the the surfboard on a rack, which I which we, we got a guy in El Salvador for like 30 bucks to build a custom rack on the motorbike to carry the surfboard. So I was in Nicaragua had flip flops on those, you know, no helmet road, we're riding, you know, 10 minutes out of town to, to a pristine, empty beach to go surfing. And I'm like this, you know, sunshine, you know, wind in their hair. And I'm like, Man, this is this is freedom. This is, this is, this is amazing. So, I mean, like, in terms of that, that was amazing. You know, a couple of close calls. And in terms of, you know, I guess, after, after spending time in Colombia, I was doing South America solo, which is a bit of a different adventure, Central America, to it in, in two or three hours, you're at the next beach, the next volcano, the next, the next town, the next, you know, ancient ruins, you know, it's the much more smaller adventures, the panamerican is pretty tight. So you're kind of all going in the same direction. South America, it's more like two or three days. Before you at the next kind of point of interest, the next place you go into, and you can really, there's, it's, it's way bigger than it looks on the map, the map, the map is out of scale there for sure. So, you know, I did, I guess, I had to go I had a girlfriend that I met in Colombia, and I had during lunchtime I had a Skype call with her. And we had some type of argument. And I remember how that that I was feeling that anger as I was riding off the lunch through this windy road, on the way to Cusco in Peru. And beautiful like mountain valley next to the river came around the corner, my tire was a bit bold, I was actually meaning on changing it in the next town. And I hit the I hit this dip in the road which had water and a little bit of moss. And it was I hit a just at enough of an angle to slide out the back tire. So it's probably doing about 90 Ks an hour and the bike all of a sudden was sliding away from me in into the sliding ahead of me. And I started feeling like like my, my side burning a little bit because my jacket had slid up. And so I rolled over on my backpack backpack and and then and then, you know before I knew I stood up, and I was like alive and my limbs were together and the bike was a little bit mangled up and I was you know, that was a, that was probably my gnarliest Malia's spill. And it taught me taught me a lot of things I actually captured that moment on on video because I wanted to, to to to document that that visceral rush of adrenaline that I had from that experience. But But I think the biggest lesson was from that was from staying in the zone and staying in that flow. You know, when you're on the motorbike and you're you're going around it's a constant embracing of the unknown, you're going around corners, that could be a donkey that could be a guy with a car, it could be a you know, a construction, a line of cars, you know, waiting for a construction thing and you know, a semi trailer there or someone overtaking it's complete, a complete unfolding of your you're accelerating into the unfolding unknown. And it's if you're not completely focused on that, if your head is somewhere else, your your your attention is not gonna be there and that's when mistakes happen. And that was a really powerful lesson for me from that. And, and when I'm on the, when I'm on the bike, I'm my, all of my, all of my attention is on what is in front of me what is in my control? What is not in my control? How, how, how fast Am I going to be going if something appears at any single moment? What, like what, what is in my control to be able to avoid that and respond to that. And so I and so I move appropriately to that. So that's just like one of these really profound lessons that I think can be, you know, put into different aspects of life. And it's just, it's just one, one example of this so many profound lessons that I had throughout that trip. I can imagine, man, I'm glad you're with that. I'm also glad, though, that you captured on video. So then you say, you came back, you circle around Colombia after you finish up the trip. And speaking to what really stood out and what it was like to plant your roots in Bogota, I believe is where you started. was like, Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, I was 25. You know, I like, I like to build in my life, I'm like to adventure, I wasn't ready to settle down at all. You know, I kind of I, I chose not to continue traveling the world forever. Because at that, after so much trouble at that point, I'm like, Okay, this travel forever thing, you know, it's awesome, but you're, it gets to a point where it's a new city, you meet some new people, you do new things and then you know, you have a you have a brief, intense connection to that city to that, to those people that you share that time with., and then you and then you move along. And then you have, you know, a very brief and intense experience in a new city, new people, new city, new people, new city, new people, and it's this constant, you know, revolution or change of change of that. So I was like, Okay, I'm gonna connect deeper, as opposed to connecting wider. I feel like, you know, the, the amount of lessons and value that I was getting from a new city, new place, new city, new place was diminishing. And I'm like, okay, the, the value in my next step is going to be by planting roots settling down. Colombia was just no, so underrated. I like, I like that, that Underdog Story. I guess I was like, Okay, this, the reality here is so different from the perspective that the world has, surely there'll be an opportunity for me to, to create value here, like, you know, as I was looking for business opportunities. I don't think I was ever going to end up as a, as a, you know, a great well behaved employee. So as always looking for opportunities to do my own thing to start a start a business. And so I'm like, well, surely in Colombia, I can do that, which I started doing with a blog, which I wrote in real in english, about how to rent and purchase real estate in Colombia, because I knew that no matter where people made their money, real estate was always something that they use to protect and grow that wealth. So as I went on my own journey of doing that, in Colombia, I started making writing articles about that. And that began a journey of other company that I was a part of, for for eight years. She got tapped into the internet that that company and that lasted for eight years. But I want to go on to what comes next. But you said something really interesting that resonated with me about the reality is so different from what the world perceives. So speak into as you're coming in with these sort of fresh eyes on Colombia. What was what what are like the common misconceptions about Colombia? So the, you know, for for the for 98% of the world. Colombia is just, you know, another country in South America. They might have seen Scarface they might have seen, you know, heard, heard the bits and pieces of the Pablo Escobar story. They might know coffee comes from there. They might know how much Rodriguez the football player the two biggest associations are other cocaine. It's the Pablo Escobar. It's it's that kind of that those headlines and those stories that are the most dramatic and I think we're we're drawn to the most dramatic stories as a ways as a way to learn from other people's mistakes and not be not be exiled. From a tribe, and so we're always like, oh, there's drama happening, who's going to leave the tribe? Right? So we're like, we're paying attention to those stories the most. The reality is, especially by 2010, that, you know, it's, it's, it's not really anywhere to be seen. And part of the part of the part of the agreements that happened in this country, like in the early 2000s, I think really put that under the radar, they realized they can't be doing business in public the way they were doing it. So they, so they, they, you know, we're talking from all levels, and not just Columbia, we're talking, we're talking US - Columbia, private public partnerships, figured out a way to keep it all under the radar and keep their keep their cash flows going and allow, allow security and create security and agreements that allowed the country to flourish. So I got here, I saw Okay, well, you know, this lets, you know, I was getting around on a motorbike to all of these different corners of the countries as far as I could go. And, and there wasn't any of this danger in any of these dramatic perspectives that, that so many people had, you know, and, and I guess, my focus in the, in the real estate was, was marketing. So, marketing is, is essentially psychology, the value of real estate is also psychology, it's how many how many people desire to live in this part of town? What do they perceive about this part of town? You know, and what do they What do they perceive now, and what is, you know, inevitably going to be perceived as this part of town gets more investment? You know, I, I was in Bogota, so chapinero Central was right in between these two really, really strong sectors of the city. But everyone perceived that as kind of dangerous and, and, and uglier. And there may have been that a little bit, but I think we've seen enough cities evolve to realize that there's patterns in this and that once, some, you know, a city, like especially a mega city with 9 million people. You know, as it evolves, and more people go to study, there's, you know, the nightlife going on, there was just certain aspects that I that I had picked up from, from traveling to traveling the world to realize, like, Okay, this is, um, it's just, I don't know, it's a perspective that allows you to look at what is, as opposed to what is everyone you know, understanding why everyone thinks the way they do, I think that has been the key to, to picking out areas that are strong for investment. Amazing man. crazy, right? And, I like how you, you blend it in the, you broke it down, like marketing is psychology and so is, I mean, the world is what we perceive it to be. And so many people perceive Colombia at the time to be this dangerous place, but you realize when you got there that it's just not that's not how it is. But yeah, talk to me about Sam, what was the light for a gringo come in from Australia, he spent some time traveling, but now you're here. starting from scratch, I get a feel for and in Bogota, you're realizing yourself this dangerous place, but like, how did you start to build up your, your life from from just a motorcycle, motorcycle, and the stuff you had on your back? Yeah, right. I mean, it's, um, I had a, I had savings that had been fairly depleted by then. So I mean, it's, it's, it was actually kind of a, you know, when you when you travel on savings, that was another reason why I wanted to, to kind of plant some roots, is that when you're saving, the less you spend every day means that you're traveling more time. You know, if you spend $50 a day, instead of $100 a day, you can travel twice as much, right? So in my travels, I was getting this getting, you know, cutting costs anywhere I could, so that I could travel longer. But what what that does is is also kind of start programming, a scarcity mindset. And that's, you know, and that and that that's a program that I've that I've been deprogramming through my own kind of family upbringing as well right to put in to reprogram healthier, healthier finance programs. So, you know, so at that point, I was like, I started teaching english I started the blog. I started, I registered in some in some, agencies because there wasn't as many foreigners around. There wasn't as many talented foreign actors in the country. So I get on some random telenovelas because they needed a talking gringo you know, usually a, some type of, you know, special agent or FBI agent or, you know, the telenovela thing. So, you know, as I kind of looked at anything I could do to start generating an income, I started connecting to, other people, other like-minded people who were, who were making a life there. And just step by step, I mean, it all falls into place, I guess the biggest challenge is language, the language you work out, like, if you have an intention to learn, that's not really an issue. After that, maybe it's like just that, that feeling of, isolation, mixed with a bit of culture differences, that can hold people back. Um, but I think by making friends, by networkin,g by going for coffees, and building your network that way, you know, that's, that's how I did it. Um, I think that's, uh, yeah, that's, that's what I could add on that. What So you're telling me, Sam of all that. There are some Colombian soap operas with you as an FBI agent floating around there somewhere? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sin senos no hay paraso - without boobs, there's paradise. It's a nine to 90 episode series, it's full of drama, 45 minutes each. It's incredible. I was in about 12 episodes of that. Yeah, that's, that's fun. That's just part of the random opportunities that arise when when you live in a place like Colombia. That's amazing, man. The without boobs, there's paradise. Is that is that true? Is that evidence based? Some, people would say so. I think it's very, I don't know. I think so too. We had a newsletter come out this past weekend. And it struck me man, you're inspiring to me at a deep level. But something about this got me even just even deeper, because you're you're at the pulse of this sort of stuff, man. You said something that really stood out to me, and it relates to paradise. And you talked about how you you grew up from nothing, and you kind of explained you, you went throughout this whole journey of just putting yourself out there limiting costs and all this sort of stuff. But you said something about, I had already found paradise with nothing to your name. Can you speak into like, what it was like to feel that in the journey to to reaching this sort of Paradise that you found back then? Yeah, I mean, it's, um, I, I grew up in a, in a single mother household, I think the, I think the, the, when, when the Divine Feminine is, is unsupported. When it can, it can be challenging for a for the, for the masculine to learn from and to find stability in, to find that predictability. And, and so I don't want to say I grew, up with nothing, I was really fortunate. I mean, especially growing up and one of the most beautiful parts of Australia, I think in the in the world, even, you know, tropical far north Queensland, incredible, it was just, you know, I guess I had a childhood where I could enjoy things without needing to spend a lot of money, whether that was, you know, going on on random adventures and trips, and I guess I was also inherited those programs where, you know, you spend as little as possible. And so, you know, I learned how to have fun with as little as possible. And then, I guess growing up I was looking for, who's got this figured out who's got this life thing figured out? Because I didn't have as much of that in my family unit. So I think very early on, I started learning from others, and absorbing for others and figuring out all right, looking at the results in their lives. Who's living, fulfilled who's living content, who's, who seems to have this figured out And I guess that, that absorption of knowledge has enabled me to learn from other's mistakes, and, you know, as, and that's helped me avoid, avoid pitfalls. And I guess that's, especially in a place like Colombia, which also is really tapped into that I think they're there, the Colombian dream is, you know, I think, where you share a finger, which is a country estate, a farmhouse, you know, might have a pool, a barbecue, but they're, they're designed for 10, 15, 20 people. The, the enjoyment, the goal in life is just to spend time with, with people you care about in beautiful surroundings, you know, so there's ways to live life here that don't require a lot of money, I lived on $350 a month, for six or seven years here, you know, as I was, as I was putting together these, these businesses, it was, it was a life, it was a great, I've, had, I have not had a single uninteresting day here. There's, I'm sure there's, there's ways that I've could have, I could have done things quicker or sooner. But I think once you know, when we, when we have more stuff, we get more comfortable. In terms of being, being at peace and enjoying, enjoying life with nothing, it's liberating. And I guess that was part of that motorcycle journey was realizing like I don't, the less stuff that I'm carrying with me that I'm trying to bring with me from, from the old me and the old reality, like, the less that stuff just holds me back. And it's like, the more nimble, the more lightweight I am, the more I'm in the moment, the more I'm appreciating the things that I know we're going to, that I can take anywhere, those are the things that are going to be you know, that's what that those are the things that are going to get my attention. And that's where I'm going to be, you know, investing my intention. Man powerful. I love it, the goal of life is to spend time with people you care about in beautiful places, and just focus on what you have, and be grateful. There's so many simple but profound lessons in that journey that you learn on your own. Well, since you've been, at least as you've been traveling and learning from other people. Now, yeah, and I'll add to that, you know, it's like, it's, taught me to, to be really careful what I'm chasing, um, you know, and I've learned from those people who have had that, you know, that, that a ridiculous amount of financial success, and they get there, they get their yacht, or they get their big house and then it's like, who's on there yacht, who's in their house, you know, who, like they have that similar emptiness that they had. And so, I guess I, I really focus in on learning from that, and implementing, and changing like living my life in a way that, that, that my priorities are right, that I'm that I'm getting there with the people that I care about, as opposed to just getting to a place that I think is where, you know, everyone else wants to go there. So that's where I should go, that's what I should try to achieve, because everyone else wants to achieve that. You know, I think that chasing, when we, those types of dreams are the most tangible, we see that, okay, that that version of success is then in that, you know, on that boat or on that on that house, or, you know, those are great things to have. But it's like those are the I think those are just the most tangible, visible things that we see in their lives. So we all end up chasing that as opposed to the things that are invisible, that are probably more important. So taking all that you've learned in over these years, what's coming next for you, Sam? What's next? More of the same, more of the same, just just add another level. It's continual. It's continual investment. into, my, into what I believe for, into the faith that I have in myself, right. I'm recognizing I've had a, In some ways, it was a, you know, is it was a very successful, you know, we grew from a blog into a multimillion dollar role, you know, real estate investment, international real estate investment firm, huge, you know, huge success in certain ways. Now I'm now I'm independent, I'm starting from from scratch, again, I've re analyzed, I'm starting to rescript, my entire story. And the thing that that's really changing the trajectory of my future, the thing that's determining the trajectory of my future is directly connected to the amount of risk that I'm willing to take that risk that I'm willing to take is determined by the the trust and the faith that I have in myself, to be able to pull it off. So I've recently been through that I've, I've, you know, which is a very introspective process to, to go inside and to question. Okay, how much? How much do you truly believe in yourself? Because that's going to determine how, what what types of projects, what types of investments you're going to make into yourself? What are you going to put on the line to create that, that next level, and so, so I've noticed, I've taken this, this, this shutdown, this shutdown environment, to do that, to do that process, and I've got a game plan and, and I'm in the, in the very early stages of implementing that. And I don't want to limit it too much. I feel like if I, if I stick to the fundamentals of what I know to be true, then what you know, it's what unfolds is guaranteed to be great. And I like that surprise, because if I, if I script out exactly how it's how it's gonna be. It's great that that's going to pull me towards that, right I that in that envisioning, right you envision it and, and you and you find it and you create it. That's great, but I also like having a big, wide open area of surprise and unpredictability. So it's kind of a mix of that. And this place where I'm at right now, this Finca, this is something I started envisioning a few years ago, you know, in the, in the jungle, next to waterfalls, with an incredible view. It's, yeah, it's literally from my, from my, from my vision a few years ago. So you know, it's not completely just like, okay, whatever happens happens, it's, it's from my mind, my future from here is going to depend on one those fundamentals, those rules that I'm going to stick to, that I know, bring more of the stuff that I enjoy into my life. And then to identifying truly what are those things that I actually want. And that is that, that those good meaningful times with, with people I care about. And so it's, so it's combination of those things that are going to unfold the future, which I'm sure going to be as, as interesting as the as the past years. Amazing, man, you're just going on on faith. I love that. Before we just pass through this, though, I want to talk a bit more about your interest rate, this introspective process. So you're talking about can you share a bit more about what that looks like for you? And if someone was thinking about doing something like this themselves? What would you tell them to do? Something like this as in living in a living in a foreign country or you know, embracing the unknown? Well, you're you're the expert on the embracing, the unknown for sure. And one of the things you talked about was the sort of introspective process that helps you determine which place you're going to go next and how you're, it almost feels like you're understanding your own strengths and weaknesses, and what's actually feasible based on what you know about yourself. So i s a lot of self awareness, a lo of these things, but other and you talked about a coupl of questions. But if I was to sit down and do this sor of process, if I'm trying to fi ure out what I want to do n xt, where do I start? What are the rules that you've establishe in these sort of thi Yeah, what do I do next? The rule is one of the big ones would be regret minimization. I think there's this subtle nagging regret, that in can build up in our lives. You know, and we can, we can ignore it a couple times. And, you know, and then it builds in the months and years. And, and, and that on that those things that those things are dangerous, I think those things create sickness. That's when we, when we ignore parts of our body or parts of our consciousness, I think that's where dark, heavy energy festers and creates things that we don't want. So, so I think listening to listening to that, to those ongoing thoughts are really important. I really listen to that as much as I can. And I think, to that, to my future self, 70, 80 years old. And I, you know, we know that once, once you're at that, once you're at that level, there, the biggest regrets of the things you didn't do. So I base so much of my life, my strategy around that is, you know, I choose a bigger fear. I look at what am I, that that introspective process is understanding your fears? Because I believe the fears drive us into action more so than our dreams, our dreams suddenly drive us to action, right, that vision of, of what we want, like, Yes, okay, I want this. But I think we're driven even more aggressively and passionately, when we're avoiding pain. And so, understanding your pain, understanding your fear, is a really powerful life hack. It allows you to choose to, to 100 understand the fears that you have. And you know, depending on what it is overcoming that if you're if you've got this fear of public speaking, or a fear of losing the stability, stability of a job, and, you know, by understanding that you can start doing things and putting arranging your life in a way to eliminate that fear. So that would be the first step is overcoming those fears that are invented by your mind or implanted by the people in society around you. So that would be the first step is overcoming those and dissolving those. And then upgrading your fear, because I think we are fear based flash puppets for for for the time being. So we're always going to have this this instinctual, protective fear. You know, until we transcend that we're like, as while we are earthly bound, I think we're always going to that's always going to have some influence over our, over our lives. So after we've dissolved the fears that we can, that we can, I believe and I've done in my life, I've chosen a bigger fear, I've chosen the biggest fear with the intention that that fear is going to push me towards the dreams that I want. So not only defining your dreams, but by defining your fear, you're defining that thing that is going to be pending in your mind to push you in the way you need to go. And for me that is arriving to the to my to the end of my life, and regretting the things that I didn't do. And the more conscious I am of that fear when I wake up in the morning, and I realize you know, okay, when if I if you know, depending on what I do or don't do today, I'm either creating more regret more of that, that fear I really don't want to don't want to be at the end of my life and realize that Oh, look at all this stuff I didn't do that is so tragic. Like that is such a whenever I kind of just put myself into that perspective for a moment. I'm like, Oh, that feels so bad. Like, like, so that so I've made that. I've chosen that fear I've chosen that. I've become conscious of that fear for a moment to allow me to realize okay, what can I do today? That is that is going to take me away from that. What is what is going to create a whole different type of feeling. You know, when I'm when I'm at that, at that point. So I would, I would suggest that I think that's one of the most powerful things like choose a choose, choose a better fear, choose a fear which will propel you towards your dreams. Mmm, I love that the biggest regrets are the things you don't do. And that fear of laying on your deathbed wishing you would have is like the worst of them all. Amazing man, this has been, this has been so good, Sam, thanks so much. I'm curious to know, I want to I want to tune back into Colombia. And I want to get your macro perspective on things happening in Colombia. And, you know, 5 to 10 years from now, what do you what do you see happening? Or what do you see happening on a more broad scale around the world? Like, what's this future that is fear based flash puppets I love that, by the way, are moving into what do we have to look forward to? I think we've, like this is like, what is this is like, you know, right? When I went through university, right, I was I was, I was reading old school textbooks about, about marketing and, you know, buying radio and, billboards and TV commercials. And that's that stuff all still exists today. But I was really kind of educated in the old world. And then what happened we had the internet with, with social media with smartphones. So a mixture of tech, and the way we interact with and do business, change the world in, in such incredible ways, I think we're seeing the same thing that is happening right now. You know, the old world is still there, there's still radio, there's still billboards, so TV commercial, it's just now there's a, you know, it's, being it's being drowned out by by this, this emergence of an of an entirely new economy, which is mostly determined by our attention. So, you know, where wherever millions of people put their attention, online, value is created there, those platforms are, are increased in value, those projects funded. Those, you know, those charities get fundraising, those companies get profits, wherever our attention is, in this economy, we're seeing growth and valuations. So I think we're gonna see a continuation of that. I'm sharing this in as many ways as I can online, to make us more conscious of that, because I see such an incredible potential of, of all of us realizing that, okay, where we're putting our attention is creating the future of our civilization, tremendous amounts of wealth, at a time when there are new technologies, again, like the social media and internet technologies that are coming in, that are empowering each one of us individually, at levels that we've never seen before. And that, you know, through blockchain, through AR, through web 3.0, through AI, through this attention economy through the these new decentralized technologies, we can all become our own bank now. We are all now our own media company, which is telling narratives and stories just like those, you know, those few TV channels and news stations have done, they've had a much more centralized narrative power. Now, we all have that from our cell phones. And that comes with incredible amounts of power, incredible amounts of risk and new types of challenges that we're gonna have to work through mentally, this is a hole like this is the amount of information we have access to now, our brains were not designed for this, the way that we interact with these devices and this technology and these new economies, I think we need to look, reconsider how we're, you know, what's, what's the leverage point? What's what point do we lever ourselves through these devices? which parts of our lives do we put out there? And then how do we disconnect? How do we not forget where we came from, and stay connected to our, to our organic roots as we tap into this infinite, scalable leverageable Digital abundance? So I think that's, you know, I'm not going to try to predict what it you know exactly how that plays out. But I think those are the fundamentals that are going to define this, this next next period of of our civilization. Columbia has an incredible amount of natural resources. It's because of its history, it's been isolated for from the world economy, we saw that in the 2008 financial crisis, it was, you know, more disconnected from the economy. So it didn't even go negative. Now it is a bit more plugged in, especially in Medellin, where I'm at right now, it is becoming, it's a top five top 10 location independent hotspot, in a moment when the world is, you know, has been working from home for the last 6-12 months, they're about to realize they can work from anywhere. The timezone is really ideal for a place like Colombia, especially in the big cities, and in the US, people who are now what, you know, location independent, they might not have realized that yet, but if they're working from home, they are location independent, they just need to redefine what home means. Most people are getting very, you know, they've been made so comfortable, that their fears are gonna prevent them from from going out, which is a shame. But I think there's an entirely new generation of people that are going to realize the opportunity, that they could have a lifestyle that is, you know, three or five times greater for the same amount, or they could have the same lifestyle for three times less the amount of cost in a place that, you know, they're realizing they don't need to be. So I see a lot of potential for Colombia and Medellin, in particular, to you know, it already is. Medellin is really a portal for Colombia to this digital environment, which is unfolding so quickly. That, you know, the instant institutions are always you know, they get the educational institutions going to be a step behind. It's the, it's the digital entrepreneurs, people who are building businesses, you know, who are finding success. They're really tapping into the greatest potential of the of this digital abundance. And that's exactly the type of person who's who's being attracted to the to Medellin. So that's an opportunity for Colombia to, to kind of have those conversations to understand those business models, to understand how the, how things are changing and to tap into this emerging fountain of abundance. So I'm optimistic I'm bullish, I think this is just part of that evolving congruence that, that Colombia is collectively going through to realize, you know, it's this, this frustration is caused by that incongruence. It's like we have this potential. But we have these old systems that are restricting and preventing us from fully realized that potential, and I think the protests and frustrations are about that right now. All right, Sam. So if anybody wants to learn more about you or connect with you online, where would they go? I think the best ways on to get on my newsletter, that's really where I'm kind of sending out opportunities for real estate investment, sending out updates about what's going on. I do that so they can sign up at That's where they can get on the newsletter if they want to check out my vlogs I'm documenting everything that I'm seeing as I'm going along. That's on YouTube, as well, Sam Miller life on YouTube. Sounds good. Sam, I'll link all those things in the show notes below. And as we wrap up here, when asked one more question, what has been or will be the most defining action of your life The Defining action is that is that first step into the unknown. That's, that's the KPI that, that time you do that thing that you haven't done before, it's that first step because the once you get the momentum going, that all happens, right? It's that you know, I guess I guess the the crypto and Bitcoin is always a great example of that, right? It's like, it's, you know, you can you can have all of these ideas of like, I was like, I was a pretty tech savvy guy. Like, I was like, you know, I've been great at computers. My, you know, I've done I've understood computers in a great way and the internet and what's happening I'm like, Yeah, I know Crypto, I know Bitcoin, but it was that that first step that I took, which was actually doing it, that action step of being like, Okay, I'm just gonna put a little bit in just just gonna do that first little transaction. And once I did that first purchase, I was like, okay, right, everything was easier after that. But, um, but if you're asking what's the most important action, it's that first step. It's that first step. And that's that, that's, you know, that riding out of Canada, from my home base there and going into the unknown. So I would have to say that it's that first step into the unknown. Take as many first steps into the various unknowns and all aspects of your life and I think that's, that's going to be the the definitive thing that you can do to to create a new life. Oh, yeah. Sam, thank you so much for coming on to the action hour. I'm gonna wrap it up here now, man, but I'm super excited to get this out there anything else you want to say? Absolutely, man. No, thanks for having me on, man. Look forward to seeing what you're doing. I'm glad our paths have crossed. Been out. You know, I joined in your last retreat. I'm really excited to see where you go with that because I think you're also you're really tapped into what the world needs right now. And and the stuff you're putting out is super important. And I've seen how it's helping people and I've and I also got to enjoy that as well out here. So, so thanks for what you do, and I appreciate what you're doing. Keep it up.